Alligator pie, alligator pie,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die.
Give away the green grass, give away the sky,
But don't give away my alligator pie.

-Dennis Lee

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fruit Smoothie

Hello! This is my blog about food and cooking it. I'm not a pro at being a cook, as I haven't been cooking for very long. But I hope with practice, I can be a much better cook than I am - and make less messes in the kitchen. I have learned how to cook from watching and helping my mother in the kitchen, who has been cooking since her early teen years. I also learn from watching Food Network.

Anyway, on with the first recipe of the day! It's an easy one.

Fruit smoothies are fairly easy to make. A child could figure out how to make a smoothie.
I've made several different kinds of smoothies and shakes*, but I'm only going to list the recipe I used today to make a frozen fruit smoothie. Many people have their own recipes. This is the one I came up with, a pretty general recipe, to suit my taste.
First, you need a decent blender. Check? All right!
Note: I don't usually measure; I eyeball most of the ingredients, so do take note in that I'm only giving an estimated guess on these measurements. You can add as much as each ingredient as you please.
My fruit smoothie:
- 2 tablespoons of water [I do this to soften the frozen fruit, which helps with the blending process]
- 1 cup of mixed frozen berries [You can use non-frozen, if you want to. Most people use frozen berries, as it keeps the smoothie a lot colder.]
- 1 banana [The banana gives the smoothie some added texture and flavour.]
- 2 cups of low-fat vanilla yogurt [It's sweeter than plain yogurt!]
- 1 tablespoon of honey [Just to make it taste even sweeter.]
- 1/2 cup of skim milk [Use whatever kind of milk you want. I personally prefer the taste of skim milk, but most people I know prefer 2% milk.]
Find the smoothie option on your blender and hit the blendy button until you are satisfied.
This recipe should serve two medium-sized glasses - unless you're a greedy bastard, then you might as well drink it out of the blender.
The colour should be somewhat of a purple colour. You should also expect tiny seeds from the berries. It's a very natural smoothie, and it tastes pretty awesome!

*The difference between a smoothie and a shake is that smoothies are generally made with fruit and/or vegetables. Shakes are made with ice cream. I have made a combination of the two - instead of using yogurt, replace it with vanilla ice cream. If you want to try out the fruity shake, I don't recommend using honey because the vanilla ice cream is sweet enough. I only use honey with fruit smoothies because the yogurt is not as sweet as I would like it to be.


Expect more blog posts here in the near future. I will be making dinner Friday night. Rachael Ray's recipe for chicken satay stir-fry! I made it for my mum on Mother's Day, and I will be cooking it up again so soon because it was that damn tasty. Expect pictures as well.


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